(212) 774 2878
Monday - Friday
Shoulder Procedures
Dr. Andrew D. Pearle has been a team physician for the New York Mets organization for over a decade. Assisting in the care for hundreds of elite throwing athletes from both the major and minor league systems gives Dr. Pearle a unique perspective and expertise on shoulder injuries.


Dr. Pearle treats athletic and degenerative shoulder conditions. He has a special interest in treating rotator cuff tears and labral tears. While Dr. Pearle takes pride in returning throwers to the mound, he gains equal satisfaction in relieving chronic shoulder pain that impacts simple activities like reaching overhead or getting a good night sleep.
Dr. Pearle performs all his shoulder procedures at the Hospital for Special Surgery, the #1 ranked orthopedic center in the country. Hospital for Special Surgery has the lowest infection rate and performs more shoulder surgeries than any other center in the world. In addition, Hospital for Special Surgery has developed advanced protocols for pain management and rapid rehabilitation to guide you through the procedure. Finally, the nurses at Hospital for Special Surgery have earn the Magnet Award for Nursing Excellence and were the first in the State of New York to be re-designated with the Nursing's highest honor. In addition to Dr. Pearle's expertise, this world-class environment enhances the patient experience and outcome.
Dr. Pearle feels strongly that patient education is essential for optimal outcome. As such, please find a list of many of Dr. Pearle's common shoulder procedures listed on the sidebar to the right. In some cases, a surgery may involve multiple procedures that are listed to the right. If you are considering surgery, click on the appropriate procedure for educational videos, frequently asked questions and risks of the procedure, as well as other useful information. We hope you find these resources helpful; please contact the office with any further questions.